Beta #4: 190
CCRM likes to see at least an increase of 66% in 48 hours. This was a 68% increase in 24 hours. Again, WTF.
Estrogen: 1311
Prog. : 12 (they said anything above 6 if using the supp.)
No more Hcg estrogen/prog. test next week. Then perhaps an ultrasound on April 21st? They sent me the script. And gave me a due date of December 9th. BaaaaHahaha...those CCRM folks sure have a sick sense of humor...
My nurse sounded shocked and confused. Me too.
I'm sorry I'm such a slacker on the comments the last couple of days...I hope to catch up tomorrow morning. Thank you so much for the support.
Question: And I truly want honest answers: Has anyone had an ectopic with doubling and more than doubling numbers? Right now, that's my biggest concern. I may push for more Hcg testing...
5 years ago
I have no advice, but just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you and hope you get a clear answer soon. Hugs
Wow, this is taking some crazy turns isn't it? I hope the ultrasound brings great news!
I'd absolutely call and ask for more HCG tests! Hell-Ooooo!!!!!! Heck, if you have an extra lab slip (or can print off another)... just take it in and check the HCG box on it. That's crazy to have to wait for an u/s when there's any doubt!
I'm hoping this is the unexpected, a normal pregnancy!! I would talk to your doctor about your concerns and your progesterone level, if you haven't already. It seems kinda low to me. I was told they like to see above 10, and that was the first time they checked my P4 after I had only been on it a day and a half before transfer! I was doing one shot and one Endometrin a day.
Wow! No advice at all here. My ectopic never went up normally...again, maybe it is time to hope? Honestly, if it was me, I'd be starting to get happy (though I'd still be freaking out). Um, I think this is good news. Hugs.
When I first saw the number I thought, DAMN - from 112 to 190, it did not double. Then I remembered this was a day later and not 2 days later, and then I smiled for you.
Oh-how stressful! I agree with Annie-would probably keep asking for more Hcg tests! Hope you get good news at your u/s! Cheering for you all the way!!
Holy SH__! Totally unexpected and amazing...and scary. I know exactly how you feel. There's nothing you can do now but give over to what is. It's one day at a time, and if you can allow yourself a little joy on this day, the day that you are pregnant, then that's a great achievement. You never know what's going to happen tomorrow, there are no guarantees, but what you have today is pretty great. I'm keeping you in my prayers and hoping something amazing is happening.
I too would ask for more betas. Just tell them you're scared. The nurse ought to have sympathy.
I have never had an ectopic so I can't provide any input there.
Really, I think it could be a viable pregnancy at this point. But I too would do another beta just to ease my mind.
I hope this all turns out wonderful for you.
I've never known what to say to you throughout this "journey" with all of the disappointments that you have had to face. My heart sank last week when I heard what was intially wonderful news turn into not so wonderful news when you started getting your HCG #s back. I prayed for a miracle last week. And then I read your blog on Monday & Yesterday!! OMG!!! I just hope that this is the miracle we have all been wishing & praying would happen for you. I think some cautious optimism might be OK at this point?!!? I am continuing to pray & keep my fingers & toes crossed!! (Sorry, a little corny, but I am just so excited that you are finally getting some good news!!)
I hope they can clear this up quickly and safely for you. I'll hold out hope for you in the meantime.
Oh man. I just want to slap the Infertility Bitch upside the head, real hard like. But... OMG, this could be fantastic ?!?!?
I really hope this will be okay.
My u/s is 4/21, but I they did not give me a due date. Okay, now I'm freaking out... but as far as I can tell, I would be sometime around 12/12 or 12/13.
Also, what is 'the script?' I didn't get that either...?
Man, I hope you are pregnant!
Scratch the last line of my comment: you ARE pregnant! Here's hoping you stay that way... : )
I truly hope this upward trend continues!! Wow! If more betas would give you peace of mind definitely ask. If they will only make you crazy though, then let them go.....
I'm hoping for great news on the 21st!
Man, these low beta roller coasters are a doozy. Sounds like things are moving in the right direction, but some certainty would be a lot more attractive around now, wouldn't it?! Your progesterone is fine, since you are using suppositories (they do not raise your blood level like PIO does). Good luck and try to stay sane!
I am new to your blog. I read your last question and the answer is yes for me. my doubled more than doubled while I was waiting for my first ultrasound. That is when they found out it was ectopic. I hope the same isnt true for you.
Come visit my blog sometimes
Will you be having an ultrasound tomorrow?
Hoping for good news for you,
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